Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Barcelona, La Sagrada Família

Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia. Scheduled for completion in 2026.

This defacating fellow was one of the statues in the church's nativity scene. It was removed and there was an outcry among the people.

There were lots of these log people. I wonder if people put them in their fire places and watch the googly eyes melt.

more of Gaudi's buildings
Mmmm Tapas.


Mmmm Ham flavored chips.
This van felt like a prison van.

We landed in Madrid and then despite having a 4 star hotel booked for us, we had to boogie to Barcelona.

so instead we stayed at this road stop. The rooms were freezing cold and only came with a sheet.

Athens Greece

Ah Greece,

home to riots
week long garbage man strikes

police busts of street pedlers

and Native American pan flute bands.

also some old stuff

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Milan Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, UK in one day.

We left our Milan hotel at 6:30 AM

We discovered the toilet of the future at a Swiss rest stop at 8 AM
We saw some frozen water in Germany at 11 PM

We stopped for some light refreshment in the Champagne region of France at 6pm

We took the Chunnel (the channel tunnel train) from France to England. From there it was only a 4 hour drive to Butlins resort at Minehead